How To Nail Your Next Job Interview

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hether you’re a recent graduate, getting back into the workforce, or trying to change careers, job interviews can be daunting. To help you nail your next interview, Revolution Technologies has compiled a list of tried and true tips to help you ace your next interview and land the job!

1. Do Your Research

Before you go into that interview, make sure take time to research the company that you’re applying to. Knowing about the company shows that you’re interested in the role AND the company. Check out the company website as well as social media pages to get a better understanding of the mission, values, and culture of the company and find a way to reference some of what you learned during the interview.

2. Study the Job Description

Taking the time to review the job description and get a complete understanding of what they are looking for is another way to better prepare for your interview. If the description lists specific skills required, have examples ready that show how you’ve mastered those skills in previous jobs or experiences.

3. Practice

While there’s no way to anticipate every question a hiring manager might ask you in an interview, practicing ahead of time can certainly help you to be better prepared. Practice out loud answers to common interview questions like “why are you interested in this position” or “tell me about yourself.” While you don’t want to sound completely scripted and rehearsed, knowing your answers ahead of time and help you seem well prepared and confident, which is always a plus!

4. Ask Relevant Questions

You can expect that most hiring managers will conclude an interview by asking you if you have any questions for them. Asking questions can help a hiring manager gauge your level of interest in the position as well as how prepared you were for the interview. It’s a good strategy to make a list of a few questions ahead of time, so when the time comes you can ask with ease. Another important thing to keep in mind is ensuring that your questions are relevant to the interview. A first interview with a company is not the best time to ask about vacation days or how much the pay is. Keep your questions focused on the role, the company or even next steps in the hiring process.

5. Follow-Up

So you’ve rehearsed your questions, done your research, asked questions and left that interview feeling confident. Nothing to do now but wait, right? Wrong! What you do after an interview can be just as important as the interview itself. Sending a thank you note to the hiring manager, either by mail or e-mail, can make a big impression. It also gives you the opportunity to reiterate why you think you’d be a good fit for the job. Try to include something memorable from the interview, but keep the message brief. And make sure to send the thank you right away! Doing so helps further demonstrate your interest in the position.

We hope you find this information helpful for your next interview. If you’re looking for work, consider turning to Revolution Technologies for help! Our recruiters understand what hiring companies are looking for, and are dedicated to connecting the right talent to the right positions. Click Here to see some of our current job openings!

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