Identify Business Challenge
Decentralized management over contingent labor and suppliers created unmanageable chaos financially and operationally. Client selected a Managed Service Provider to provide single point of contact for hiring and managing talent suppliers.

Identify Business Challenge
Eighty year old highly successful manufacturer became a public company transforming itself across all business and technologies into the digital age. CIO engaged Revolution Technologies to provide technology resources for support services due to the high turnover and quality of working with incumbent technology supplier.

We understand our customers’ needs better than the competition and that has driven our success with this client. We know their project history and we can anticipate what our customer will be looking for.That’s the power of the technology that we’re working on together.
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After our successful performance and building a strong partnership with Navistar, VWGoA chose Revtek to assist with their contingent staffing needs throughout the US. Our staffing capabilities have become an increasingly essential element of corporate workforce strategies.
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Revolution Raleigh was asked to participate as a partner to hire and place full stack Java Developers, PL/SQL Developers and EDI Analysts as a part of a large-scale project to expand existing systems.
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